2018 Reflections and 3 Intentions for 2019
Hello Lovelies! Well December came to an end and now its January! December was successful month. I am quite happy with how many posts I published. I hope to continue this push and will keep writing as much as I can through 2019.
New years bring so much excitement. But as each year goes by, I find it harder to say good-bye too. 2018 was a great year and though I am excited for 2019 – sometimes I just wish I could re-live some past moments.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write a reflections post, because I am a bit over writing new year resolutions. But the excitement around goals and intentions this time of the year always gets me excited! And I love looking back at these posts year after year so if anything this post is more for me. lol
So Here are a few things I am reflecting on 2018:
Dealing with Spiraling Negative Thoughts:
I have to say that when you deal with easy and exciting days, you think you can EASILY get through anything. But then a day comes where you just feel like crap and your mind is spiraling downward. This year I learned to accept the bad days and instead dive into why I am heading down the path of negativity. I ask myself: What rooted belief makes me feel this way? What lie is my head telling me? And then I choose to read a book that re-sets my mindset like Getting Back to Happy and do something just for me.
Everyone has a different process to move through bad days and maybe my process can help you too.
Following your Heart.
Do you follow what is logical? Or do you follow your heart?
I battled this question for years. Back in 2011, my tumblr was sprinkled with this theme. We really aren’t taught to listen to our heart. Our mind is a great tool, but it’s not something we should use to make big decisions. Our minds can over analyze everything. It can drive us insane. (I know it has for me)
I have found that our gut and our heart need to be taken more seriously. You cannot ignore them, or you will end up in a lot of pain. I believe that so much anxiety and depression stem from not listening to what we truly know to be right and instead we listen to our mind.
(if you REALLY want to get specific on how you best make decisions – check out human design –your chart will explain the best way to make decisions according to your type.) My type is sacral which is the GUT so this specific way of making decisions is perfect for ME.
I have come to a point in my life where listening to my mind to make big decisions is not an option. I have gone through enough pain listening to my mind that the time is up. Sometimes you must go through enough pain to realize – this isn’t working for me anymore. Nothing creates faster habit changes than getting tired of same crap over and over.
Moving Forward to 2019:
As I look forward to 2019, I am pondering on the question “What do I want to bring into 2019? What energy do I want to see more of?” My answer would be more creativity, more connections and more gratitude.
I love being creative which is why I love this blog. Just creating a Pin to put on Pinterest makes me happy. I love getting lost in my creativity and creating something. It takes me in another world. I have for years tried to figure out strategies to get into and stay in the “zone”. One thing is for certain, you must stay in high vibe mindset to stay in the flow. Negativity is OUT. For more ideas, I wrote an awesome post about getting into your creative zone here back in 2016.
It is it is easy for me to hole up and disappear. I enjoy being alone and it has been really needed in this time of my life. These years have been quite nourishing and reflective. 😊 Nonetheless, I know I need to push myself to build more connections. I do have great friends and support, just always looking to expand my circle even more instead of always holing up. <3
I have come to the point where I really want to drop the comparison trap. I t is so easy to get stuck in this trap…and I think has gotten worse with age because now the *pressure* to have everything in our life picture perfect is even more intense. But life isn’t perfect, its messy. In 2019, I plan to practice re-training my brain to let go of comparison. My intention is to stay in my own lane and manage my own life to the best of my ability. We all have a different story to unfold and comparing is a serious waste of energy.
And those are my intentions for 2019. Ultimately, I want to be fully present and feel more love for the precious moments I am living. So here is to a year full of more growth, more up-leveling, more creativity, and more love. And so it is.
Wishing you a magical 2019,
Chelsea Jolene
what do you think?